Sunday, February 18, 2007

Iraq in Slow Motion: Resources on the coming war with Iran

After the vigil last night several of us from the Columbus Peace and Justice Coalition met up at Dennys to talk about our next step. One of the issues that was raised was local actions in the event of an invasion or bombing of Iran. I think that it would be useful to discuss the issue in light of both much of the mainline Democratic Party politicians openly calling for such a campaign and several of the speakers last night mentioning their support for the war on Afghanistan. While the Iranian government is a charter member of the Bush Administration's "axis of evil," recent months have seen a dramatic escalation of beligerent rhetoric from Washington and a concentration of US forces in the gulf seemingly poised to launch some sort of assault. The experience of the Israeli siege of Lebanon was seen in many circles as a trial run for an Iranian campaign. The US fought a proxy war against Iran via Iraq from 1980 until 1988, so using Israel in 2007 should not be simply dismissed.
In the links below I have listed several articles that, I think, captures the current situation.
I hope that this can, more than it has been in the past, become a forum for the discussion of politics and history as well as strategy and tactics.

Iran: a Chronology of Disinformation, Gary Leupp

IED Lies, Milan Rai

Blaiming Iran, Salah Hemeid

The Iran Plans, Seymour Hersh

Targeting Iran, Saman Sepehri


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