Sunday, February 25, 2007

Tentative New Points of Unity

As we have progressed over the course of the past several months much of our own ideas about politics and their practical application in our day-to-day lives have altered a great deal. While many of us were radicals coming into the organization, the over-all political climate of the group has shifted significantly to the left since November. In response to this leftward shift, new points of unity are being considered. While the original goal of creating an open and independent radical political organization will be maintained, the new points are much more percise than the earlier draft.
The new points are as follows:
1. The two party system is broken, and a radical political alternative is needed.
2. More than electoral politics, real change comes from mass action from below.
3. Food, housing, healthcare, education, the right to organize, and a living wage are basic human rights.
4. Real political equality is not possible without economic eqaulity.
5. Democracy means popular rule from below.
6. The right of all nations to self-determination must be the basis of any just and democratic global order.
7. Terrorism is morally reprehensible and must always be condemned without reservation.
8. War is the highest, most well-organized form of terrorism.
9. As humanity is faced with extinction, immediate international action is necessary to address global climate change and work towards a sustainable environment.
10. Solidarity with and active support for the liberation of all those oppressed based on their race, nationality, religion, gender, or sexuality must be the cornerstone of any movement fighting for social justice.

1 comment:

Come Ride the Whale said...

Because the Martin campaign has shown no interest in discussing the Progressive agenda and because president-elect Obama is filling his top posts with hawks, I am boycotting the Senate run off election. Please join this event in solidarity against these trends in the Democratic Party.